Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Interview #3

Yesterday I got a call for an interview with Sintra Engineering. I am SO excited. Although the job is located in Edmonton (not my favorite city, and most likely will never be), the job description is A-W-E-S-O-M-E. When I got the emaill, I first had to exhaust my adrenaline that went through my body by jumping around, and then I had to thank the Lord. I've been praying hard for this and He listened and answered. AMEN.
Approximately 75% of my engineering experiences consist of research and the other 25% is industry (i.e. oil and gas). I love the research portion, but I don't love it enough to pursue another 3 years of school for a PhD. I was never a big fan of joining the oil and gas industry, and I tried it and didn't like it too much. So after I applied for the job posting at Sintra Engineering, I've been praying day and night for a call back, and it came yesterday.
The company focuses on forensic engineering. They find out what and why things went wrong. The position I applied for is for a structural forensic engineer. So from what I understand, I will be solving why a structure failed. This is way too awesome. I have always loved mysteries and trying to solve them. Understanding how things work (or fail) is one of the reasons I stayed in engineering.
The interview is at 10:30 tomorrow. Wish me luck!